You don’t have to refrain yourself from getting a loan if you have a ruined credit history. Your current financial situation decides what type of loan you can actually opt for. In case you have not filed for bankruptcy or do not have a horrifying credit score, you will have more options to avail bad credit loans. Bad credit loans may bail you out but unless you are very cautious about how you use them, it can disturb your financial equilibrium drastically.

Given below are some of the options you can opt for if you have a bad credit. Bad credit loans can be either secured or unsecured.

Unsecured loans:

The unsecured loans have specifically been designed for people with bad credit. The biggest disadvantage is that these loans usually attract a very high rate of interest. In case of unsecured loans, a creditor does not require collateral. So, even if you default in payments, there is no immediate threat of losing your property. Since the creditor is giving you the loan based entirely on trust, it becomes risky for the lender. The lender may not get back the money which he is lending out to you. To top it up, if you have a bad credit history, it makes the deal still riskier for the lender. This explains why the rate of interest these bad credit loans attract is so high.

Secured bad credit loans:

Secured loans require collateral. The lenders require a “safety net” and you have to provide collateral. If you are unable to repay the loan amount within the time limit assigned to you, the collateral gets confiscated. In majority of the cases, your house is used as collateral.

If you are not comfortable with secured or unsecured bad credit loans, you can use a credit card to your advantage. One advantage of using a credit card is flexibility of payment. In case of a loan, you can make payments throughout the term of the loan. In case of credit cards, you can make payments at any point of time. One more advantage of using a credit card is that you can improve your credit score in due course. If you make regular payments for your credit card bills, your credit score improves which sends positive signals to the lenders.

Useful Resources:

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